Jil Evans, “Wind Spill #48”, 2023, 8.5”h x 11”w

Vesna Kittellson “Words=Beyond Measure”, 2023, 9”h x 12”w

Jim Dryden, “Drinking Alone by Moonlight”, 2023, 8.5”h x 11”w

All of Us

Traffic Zone Artists

Rebecca Pavlenko

Portraits can be a likeness and also portray the the times we live in, the zeitgeist of an era, and it’s impact on our sense of self. In our current world many people feel torn apart, ripped and shredded from dealing with layers of issues both personal and global which affect our inner sense of self.

To present this, I photographed each artist then printed and stacked multiple images and tore parts away. Even though there are many layers, the portrait image is still intact. In spite of the difficulties, people find ways to hold it all together; some stoically, some with resignation, some with strength, hope or acceptance, or even with humor and good cheer.